March 10, 2012

I should have not posted this…


I should’ve not made this public. I prefer being human to porker. Something in Science called Evolution doesn’t mean it nowadays. It is not that ‘a monkey to a man’ transformation; It’s about ‘a social animal to a man’ transformation. Human is to born, grow, learn, live & die; not born, eat, beget & die. There are many class of people fall into the latter. An Inquisitive Man has to transform himself. But, why do they learn? Why do they live? Why do they eat? What for everything is happening? Where is it heading to? It’s better to reinstate the word ‘they’ with ‘we’. Even, Water and Wishes have a unique quality; flinging forward, men do not.
Now, coming to my case, I’ve been taught: not to fight with others, to work things out, to respect others, to clean up my mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share – not be greedy. I am tired of the retrospection to find any name of those who do indeed. There are some. It is quite unfair to denounce any names. People always try to teach what they hardly or never do. I do talk about growth as if I have grown something. Starting from my seminars and presentations; I have presented my first seminar of my college life almost half-an-hour. The second topic was a dare-to-touch type. I made up a month for that. I had also won some presentations outside my college. Then on, I proceeded with my own speech, half-a-chapter and finally an entire unit for which I took two-and-a-half hours in three days. Finally giving a speech (some said it was an inspiring speech, yet I don’t agree) for ‘the thane’ in every class. I don’t know when I’ll stop talking about’ thane’ but I’m glad that there are some who bounced with a ten minute speech and still retain a ten minute speech. Similarly, My Projects: Developing a small model in my tenth standard lead me to win the Best Project Title in the Engineering. I hope u have now understood why I kept the title as ‘I should have not posted this!’
Resolving the differences in the Speech of Severn Suzuki and Gopinath, the difference that decides everything, makes man, a real man. Now, what is the problem actually?  It’s the Future. Losing the future is not like losing an election or a few points on a gamble or a Game. I am here to write what Severn Suzuki tried to speak. I am here to write for all generations to come. I am here to write on behalf of the starving children around the world whose cries go unheard. I am here to write for the countless animals dying across this planet because they have nowhere left to go. I cannot afford to be not heard. I am anxious to go out in the sun now because of the holes in the ozone. I am scared to breathe the air because I don’t know what chemicals are in it. Yet, I am happy with what I get! It’s not that someone somewhere causing distress. It is us. It is better to replace ‘I’ with ‘we’ but I don’t feel any want of impute others. Smile is the most precious blessing of a Human but we cry all the time accusing others. There is no difference in a man and an animal except that a growth or Evolution maybe. In my life, I have dreamt of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles and rainforests full of birds and butterflies, but now I wonder if they will even exist for my children to see.
 I repudiate the canards which some knacks think as the adages such as: "Everything’s going to be alright, the world is doing the best and it’s not the end of Everything". I’d slay off those miscreants if I get a chance. I hereby forcibly convey a msg to all; Do what you learn & learn what you do. Get the drift of what we do and where it leads to. Bcoz, some commoners are somewhere swayed for our acts.

 *******  LIFE IS SHORT  ******* 


  1. If you want your children to see great herds of wild animals, save a soft copy of the BBC series, 'planet earth' . . *okay, that was insensitive* . . but do check out the series

  2. If you want your children to see great herds of wild animals, save a soft copy of the BBC series, 'planet earth' . . *okay, that was insensitive* . . but do check out the series


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